First Computer Schedule
Computer schedule (CG - computer graphics) - a schedule on a computer or a computer. Computer is used as a tool for drawing, modelling.
The timing of the computer schedule itself and the term " computer schedule " could be disputed. But if you count a computer schedule any image on the monitor screen, then the birth of computers matches the birth of a computer schedule.
Sometimes, the emergence of computer graphics suggests the creation of a first computer game with a schedule. It happened in 1961. I mean, it's like a computer schedule for about 50 years.
You're not gonna surprise anyone right now. Even children create graphic computer work. Why not? The computer schedule is equally interesting for children and adults. But at the time of this technology, a computer artist was supposed to be a little programmer. Or the programmer was supposed to be a little artist.
First, Amiga and Macintosh computers were used to operate the computer schedule. Personal computers are being successfully handled with computer graphics.
The computer schedule can be divided into two-dimensional, three-dimensional, animation, engineering. In turn, animation can be two- and three-dimensional, as well as Engineering computer schedule may be two-way and three-dimensional.