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Averin To Computer Engineering

Head of the Department of General Mathematics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

In 1980, the Admiral S.O. Makarova (NKI) Admiral ' s Shipping Institute (Admiral ' s Institute) was graduated from the qualification of a mechanic engineer. Since the end of the NCI, he has been working in the Maqueev Mountain Safety Institute (McNI) from 1995 to 1999 as Chief of Computer and Information Systems. Since 1999, he has worked at Donetsk National Technical University as Professor and Head of Computer Monitoring Systems at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Technology.

In 1986, he defended the candidate ' s dissertation, in 1994, the doctor ' s dissertation, since 2005 the Professor of Computer Monitoring Systems. Science director of dissertations is a Professor. Tzeitlin U.A. (IGTM of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk).

Since September 2015, he has been the head of the general mathematics department of the Belarusian State National Research University.

More than 140 publications, 17 monographs and training manuals and 14 inventions are authored.

Area of scientific interest: system analysis and common system theory, data intelligence analysis, environmental monitoring, environmental information systems and global research.

Development data:

  • 2009 Internship at Shanghai University, China;
  • 2012 Internship at Minnesota University, Minneapolis, USA;
  • 2014 computer schedule (DONSTU)


  • 1997: Shahter Slave III degree (Mintopengergo, Ukraine);
  • 2011 Ongoing sign " Education Diploma " (Ministry and Science, Ukraine).

Participation in professional and public organizations:

  • 2009 - 2011, member of the expert commission of the Ministry of Environment of Ukraine on climate change issues and the Kyoto Protocol;
  • 2009-2012, expert of the State Inter-Agency Commission on Environmental Monitoring of Ukraine;
  • 2010 - 2011, UNEP/GRID-Arendal expert in Ukraine on environmental monitoring and environmental assessment;
  • 2007-2012 Member of the State Inter-Ministerial Commission on Environmental Monitoring in Donetsk province;