Types Of Computer Graphics
The V Regional Olympiad on Rossiere was held in IGU from 24 to 25 March 2017. AIGU students and students from 11 general education institutions attended the event. The Olympics took the form of a competition and included two rounds: theoretical (e-testing) and practical (preparation of creative work on the subject).
The results of the Olympic assignments were evaluated in scores.
Winners and prizes that scored two tours
♪ In 11 classes of general education institutions:
1 site: Szhuquin Maxim Igorevich, studying at the 11th grade of MBOU, Murmanska Gemnasia No. 8;
2 - Gorjelov Ristoslav Sergeyevich, studying at the 11th grade of MBOU, Murmanska Gemnasia No. 8;
Three seats are Smirnov Arsien Mihailović, who attends the 11th class of MBOU, Murmanska Gemnasia No. 8.
♪ IGU students:
1 place: Mironicev Evgeny Pavlovic, 2-year student, Pedagogical Education, History, Law;
2 - Drobah Anna Sergeyevna, 2-year-old student, Bachelor ' s, Business Information;
3rd place - Alešićevia Viktoria Yevgenyevna, 2-year student, Pedagogical Education, Disin and computer schedule" .
♪ IAPU student teams:
1 seat is the GIS team composed of D.I. Drobot D.I., Mironichev E.P., Phileva O.J.;
2 is a GIS team composed of Gordeev N.O., Horusheneva U.D., Zakutasova J.S.;